Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflection # 11


This was my second week of field. We taught the cloud and wind unit this week and incorporated a form of art into our cloud lesson. The students were to make clouds out of cotton balls. We had what type of clouds they needed to make and they used their creativity and made a page full of 5-6 clouds. As for my cooperating teacher, I didn't see any use of creative arts in her lessons.

So What?

So what does this mean, this means since we haven't seen a lot of arts used in our teachers lessons, we should try to incorporate more. Something I have discovered while teaching is that the arts takes more time so if you are short on time, don't use it. Another art we used was having our students draw the valley and mountain winds as well as the sea breeze in their books. I have noticed our students are very talented with the arts and they like to put a lot of work and time into their project. I also noted I think they are better artists then myself. :)

Now What?

For me this means we should use more art in the classroom. I noticed again that the students really enjoy doing art. I still believe this is a perfect way to assess the students understanding of a subject. Something in the future my partner and I have said we need to focus on is how long something is going to take. The clouds project took longer than we thought and the winds we were afraid we would have a lot o f time left over. However, after coloring the timing was perfect. This was a great check to help us with the amount of time we spend on projects. I like the various forms of art and realize even when you don't think you will use art into your lesson, somehow it always becomes incorporated.

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