Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reflection #4

What have you learned?

I have learned that Drama is fun when used in class. It allows the students to visually see and work with the information given. I also learned there are elements and principles that are important to use when doing drama. There are several different ways and activities I can use as a teacher. Theater games help students build connections with others while using creativity.

What are your new perspectives about using drama in your future classroom?

My perspectives for using drama in the classroom has changed. I was never in to drama and thought it was wasn't important to do it. I thought you could use other forms of teaching. My perspective completely change because I got to physically and mentally see how fun it is and how much information I gained. I think this is one of the best ways to keep my students involved. This also builds classroom unity. It teaches them how to work together and how to communicate.

So Wha
t kinds of activities do you think you will use most as you begin teaching?

I really enjoyed the machine activity. This allowed us to be creative and to think outside of the box. Another activity I liked was role playing. This allowed me to be in tune with the characters and really assess what I knew. These activities will both be beneficial to me in seeing what my students understood.

Now What - Why do children need creative drama? Why is it important to integrate drama with other curricular areas?

Children need creative drama because it allows them to look at situations with a different perspective. It allows them to have fun and build connections with everybody in the class. Integrating drama with other subjects allows students to build connections among other classes. They can learn better when they are having fun. We want our students to be creative and come up with things on their own. Integrating drama into other subjects will help them build that trait.

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