Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reflection #7


Something I have learned from creative children's dance is that it is very time consuming. I learned when using dance, I need to set out the proper amount of time and add a little more time to it. The children really enjoy using dance and sometimes make more out of what they are doing which in return takes more time. I realized I can use creative dance in any subject and with any book. Each book has words and feeling that can be used and will allow my students to connect better to the content they are learning.

So what

I will be taking the understanding that there are many books and you can use any book and dance to it. One group did a really great job incorporating a rather long and boring book and made it fun and interesting. I will not be biased to using what only sounds fun but rather make it fun myself. I will be making sure I am organized and prepared because if not the activities can get out of control which results in a stressful lesson and day.

Now what

I realized I enjoyed every type of dance our class used and will try to incorporate different methods and tools when I teach it because then it will continue to stay interesting and entertaining. There are several lesson plans out there and so many different dance activities. I will look for new and fun activities and use them. To prepare that will require research on my part as well as finding a way to keep my students under control and involved. I am not going to limit what I teach but rather find many ways that will be fun and educational for my students as well as for myself.

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